
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Shovel Ready Writer Adam Sternbergh

Much like chocolate and peanut butter or Anthrax and Public Enemy, the idea of mixing of cyberpunk atmospheres and pulp crime aesthetics probably seemed weird before someone tried to do it (that someone being Philip K. Dick with his novella “Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?”). But we’re glad someone did since it’s led us to Shovel Ready, a new novel by Adam Sternbergh (Crown Publishing). In it, a hit man in the not-so-distant future is hired to whack an evangelist’s daughter, and, suffice it to say, it does not go well for our “hero.”

Movies News Toys

TOY NEWS: Jumbo Edition Of Han Solo Kenner Figure Announced

Gentle Giant have announced that the next release in their series of 12-inch tall replicas of Star Wars Kenner action figures will be Han Solo in the outfit he wore on Bespin in 1980’s Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.


Exclusive Interview: Ex-Purgatory Writer Peter Clines

When you think about it, I mean really think about it, the best thing to be in a zombie apocalypse isn’t a cop or a army guy or a sword-swinging lady with cool hair. It’s a superhero. Well, one with superpowers, that is, not just some rich dude with parental abandonment issues. At least that what I’ve gleaned from the Ex- novels by Peter Clines, who explains what inspired these novels as well as both the zombies and superheroes in them.

iOS Video Games

Exclusive Interview: “Gregg” Creator Yann Berthier


In many games, you’re a good person. You’re the superhero stopping the supervillian; you’re the human solider saving the Earth from invading aliens; you’re the cop fighting crime on the mean streets. But in the game Gregg — which Namco Bandai have released for both iOS and Android devices — you’re not the good guy, but an outside force trying to protect the good guy. Or the good bird as the case may be. Though as its creator, Play Fripp’s Yann Berthier, would like to point out, this isn’t like that other bird game you might know.

DVDs/Blu-rays News TV

Adventure Time: The Complete Third Season Blu-Ray, DVD Announced


Cartoon Network have announced that Adventure Time: The Complete Third Season will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on February 25th.

Video Games

Exclusive Inteview: “Just Dance 4” World Record Holder Carrie Swidecki


To promote the new Guinness World Records 2014 Gamer’s Edition, the publishers and their PR people chose four of the included records to highlight in their press materials. Included among them was “Longest Marathon On A Dance Video Game,” which was set by Carrie Swidecki, a second grade teacher who played Just Dance 4 for 49 Hours, 3 Minutes, and 22 Seconds. But Swidecki isn’t just some obsessive gamer, she’s also trying to spread the word about exergaming, the idea of using video games in schools as a way to get kids to exercise.

News Toys TV

TOY NEWS: Funko Announces New Game Of Thrones Mystery Minis

Funko have announced that they will release a series of Game Of Thrones Mystery Mini action figures.

PlayStation 4 Reviews Video Games

“Zen Pinball 2” For PlayStation 4 Review


Having already brought their physical realistic but mechanically impossible pinball tables to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo 3DS, and PlayStation Vita, the good people at Zen Studios are now going next-gen with Zen Pinball 2 for the PlayStation 4.

And while it doesn’t include total graphic upgrade like some fans might’ve hoped, these tables are just as much fun as they were on those other systems.

News Toys TV

TOY NEWS: New Walking Dead Action Figures Announced

Funko have announced that they’ll release new Walking Dead action figures — including bobble-heads and Mystery Minis — in January and February, respectfully. Which is just in time for the new season of the show, which starts on February 9th.