PC Video Games

“Blue Prince” Hands-On Preview


We’ve all read books, seen movies, and watched episodes of Scooby-Doo in which someone must spend the night in a haunted house so that they can inherit said house from their sadistic dead relative.

But in the upcoming first-person puzzle game Blue Prince — which will be out on PC this spring — the house isn’t haunted, but its constantly changing configuration makes things difficult for its hopeful new owner.

Or so I found out when I recently had a chance to play this intellectually challenging game.

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“Sniper Elite: Resistance” Review


Violence is never the answer, even when you inflict it on someone terrible. Y’know, like Nazis.

But virtual violence? Like in, say, a video game? That’s okay. And, if done well, can be as cathartic as it is fun.

It’s why I’d never punch a Nazi in real life, but absolutely love playing the Sniper Elite games, a series of fun third-person stealth action shooters set during World War II in which you undermine the German military by, well, shooting, stabbing, and blowing up Nazis. And German soldiers. And their stuff.

I enjoy them so much, in fact, that I don’t even mind that the newest installment, Sniper Elite: Resistance (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC), is basically just the previous one, 2022’s Sniper Elite 5, but with new locations and one new mode.

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The Worst Video Games Of 2024


While 2024 wasn’t as good a year for video games as 2023, it also wasn’t as bad a year as 2023. Hence why my “Worst Games Of 2023” list had 8 games, and this list just has 3.

Though this may say more about me than the year in question.

Here’s my “list” (so to speak) of the worst games I played this year.

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The Best Video Games Of 2024


Just as 2022 wasn’t as good a year for video games as 2023, so too was 2024 not as good a year for them as 2023.

Which isn’t to say there wasn’t anything worth playing this year.

Here, in the order I played them, are my favorite games of 2024.

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“Williams Pinball Volume 8” for “Pinball FX” Review


When the good people at Zen Studios make their original pinball tables for Pinball FX (PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Switch, PC), they always pair realistic physics with unrealistic mechanics by, say, having the ball move like it would in real life, but on a table that has Mechagodzilla firing laser beam warning shots or K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider doing donuts.

But when it comes to their versions of classic pinball tables originally made by the iconic pinball company Williams, they have typically been faithful to the originals, both mechanically and aesthetically.

The operative word there being “typically.” That’s because for the three tables Zen have remade for Williams Pinball Volume 8Banzai Run, Black Knight 2000, and Earthshaker! — they’ve added some unrealistic (but optional) mechanics to these classics…and not everyone will be happy with the results.

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“Indiana Jones And The Great Circle” Review


Much like with Star Trek, The Lord Of The Rings, and The Matrix, there have been way more video games influenced by the Indiana Jones movies than there have been games where you get to be Indiana Jones.

But while Indiana Jones And The Great Circle (Xbox Series X|S, PC) somewhat balances the scales, fans of the adventurous archeologist are forewarned: While this is faithful to Indy’s early films, it’s actually more like Indiana Jones And Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull and Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny in that it may not be what fans are expecting, or hoping for, but it is still a fun adventure.

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“Silent Hill 2” (2024 Remake) Review


When we talk about survival horror games, the first name that always comes up (rightfully so) is Resident Evil. Which is somewhat ironic given that while those games certainly have you trying to survive horrific situations, they’re usually not that scary.

No, for survival horror that’s scary — like, shit your pants scary — you have to go to the second name that always comes up: Silent Hill.

And no Silent Hill ever scared me as much as the second installment, 2001’s Silent Hill 2.

Granted, it was because I was playing it late at night, with my windows open, when two cats got into a fight just outside, but that still counts.

It’s why I didn’t play the new updated remake of Silent Hill 2 (PlayStation 5, PC) at night, with my windows open, or within 50 miles of any cats, angry or otherwise. Good thing, too, because this remake is just as shit your pants scary as the original.

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“Sprawl” Review


As an old fool, I sometimes kick it old school.

And not just by making dated references. I listen to music on CDs, watch TV shows on a TV, and eat food that wasn’t grown in a lab and sold under a name that would make Charlton Heston fans nervous.

It’s also why I was curious about Sprawl (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PC), a cyberpunk sci-fi first-person shooter very much in the vein of Doom, Quake, and other old school shooters.

Though as old and foolish as I may be, I was happy to find that Sprawl wasn’t completely vintage.

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“Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6” Review


For the last few years, Call Of Duty‘s multiplayer mode has been the center of attention for players of this first-person shooter series.

But for Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 (PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC), it’s actually the story-driven campaign that deserves your attention.

And no, I’m not just saying that because I don’t play well with others…