PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5 Reviews Video Games

“Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores” Review


As someone who’s lived in Los Angeles since the mid-’90s, I find I’ve been burned by games set in my adoptive hometown more often than not. True Crime: Streets Of LA, for instance, had my street, but not my home, while L.A. Noire‘s open world didn’t even include my neighborhood. So it was a pleasant surprise when playing Burning Shores, the new add-on for Horizon Forbidden West (PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4), that I actually felt like I was in L.A., even if it was so far in the future that all my stuff is gone.

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The Best Video Games Of 2022


For years, I’ve started my “Best Video Games Of [insert year here]” lists by lamenting how it was a terrible year for games, but that there were some bright spots. Not this year. 2022 was easily the best year for games — well, the kind of games I like, anyway — in maybe 10 years.

Here, in the order I played them, are my favorite games of 2022.

PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5 Reviews Video Games

“Horizon Forbidden West” Review


On the Saturday I started playing Horizon Forbidden West (PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4) for this review, I was expecting a package from Barnes & Noble. So I decided I would start the game, but then take a quick break after 10 minutes to see if the mail had arrived.

Except that when I did take that break, it wasn’t 10 minutes that had past, or even 15, it was well over an hour. It was then that I realized what I had both suspected and hoped about this third-person action / adventure game: it was as effortlessly fun as its predecessor, Horizon Zero Dawn.