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Best Books Of 2018

For the last couple years, I’ve kept track of the best novels, poetry collections, and other books I read that particular year. So, as I did in 2015, 2016, and 2017, here now are the best books I read in 2018.


Exclusive Interview: Mecha Samurai Empire Author Peter Tieryas

Tell a good story in an interesting place and readers will want to know more. Which was the case two years ago when science fiction writer Peter Tieryas released United States Of Japan, an alternate history sci-fi story in which Japan won World War II. But while his new novel, Mecha Samurai Empire (paperback, Kindle) takes place in the same alt-history universe as U.S.J., Tieryas explains in the following email interview that you need not read the previous novel to understand the new one…and you may even want to read this new one first.