Books Comics

Exclusive Interview: Death Threat Artist Ness Lee

Towards the end of 2017, writer and musician Vivek Shraya received some graphic transphobic hate mail from someone she didn’t know. It’s an experience she’s chosen to share in the graphic novel Death Threat (hardcover). But given the nature of the story — and, admittedly, Vivek’s unavailability — I wondered what it would be like to draw something this personal about someone else. In the following email interview, Death Threat artist Ness Lee discusses what it was like to draw this graphic novel, why she wanted to do it, and what she hopes people will get out of reading it.


Exclusive Interview: The Deer Camp Writer Dean Kuipers

Some men never change, and some bad fathers remain bad fathers until their dying days. But there are some who do turn it around before it’s too late. Take the dad in Dean Kuipers’ new memoir, The Deer Camp: A Memoir Of A Father, A Family, And The Land That Healed Them (hardcover, Kindle), who managed to mend his relationship with Dean and his other sons by bonding over the natural world. In the following email interview, Kuipers — who, it should be noted, is a pal and former coworker — discusses this emotional and environmental recollection. In addition, we also talk about him editing Ray Gun: The Bible Of Music And Style (hardcover), an art book about the music magazine published by the company where he and I met.


Exclusive Interview: “Sister Of Darkness” Writer R.H. Stavis


Despite what INXS may have insisted, not every single one of us has the devil inside. Which is good news for R.H. Stavis, an exorcist who also works as a screenwriter, and thus doesn’t have time to cast the demons out of your extended family. Though she did, oddly, find time to respond to my email questions about her new memoir, Sister Of Darkness: The Chronicles Of A Modern Exorcist (hardcover, Kindle), which she co-wrote with Sarah Durand.

Books Comics

Exclusive Interview: “Japanese Notebooks” Author, Artist Igort


Though he’s been writing and drawing graphic novels for forty years, Italian author and artist Igort has only had a couple of his books published in the U.S. Which is a real shame because he’s clearly a unique talent, both literally and visually. In honor of his book Japanese Notebooks: A Journey To The Empire Of Signs (digital) being released here in the colonies, I spoke to him about how it came together, his plans for a cinematic adaptation, and why you won’t see his name in the credits of a Spider-Man comic anytime soon.