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Best Books Of 2017

For the last two years I’ve kept a log of all the good books I read, regardless of when they were originally published. You can read my 2015 list by clicking here, and 2016’s by clicking here.

And since I’m nothing if not predictable, I decided to repeat this process for 2017.

So, here’s a look at the best novels, short story collections, and other books I read in 2017.


Exclusive Interview: The Fortress At The End Of Time Author Joe M McDermott

While science fiction is often set in the future or some other version of our world, these stories are often really about issues from our time, from our reality. Sure, the original Star Trek was set in space…the final frontier, but it still explored contemporary problems from our world, including racism and the cost of war. It’s a tradition being continued by writer Joe M McDermott with his new military sci-fi novel, The Fortress At The End Of Time (paperback, digital), a book, he explains below, came from something he saw his family going through.