Books Movies

Exclusive Interview: “Béla Lugosi: The Man Behind The Cape” Writer Robert Cremer


One has only to go out on Halloween, and look at the happy faces of every kid wearing fangs and a cape, to see the influence of actor Béla Lugosi, the iconic star of 1931’s classic horror movie Dracula.

But while that may be his most memorable role, Lugosi didn’t just play dashing and dangerous, and he didn’t just act. All of which is presented in Robert Cremer’s upcoming biography, Béla Lugosi: The Man Behind The Cape, which has just launched a Kickstarter that includes some special (and exclusive) editions of the book.

In the following email interview, Cremer discusses what’s in Cape, as well as what approach he took to this biography.


Exclusive Interview: “To Dance With Destiny” Author W.L. Hawkin


With To Dance With Destiny (paperback, Kindle), writer W.L. Hawkin is presenting the fifth book of her urban fantasy thriller series, the Hollystone Mysteries. In the following email interview, Hawkin talks about what inspired and influenced this latest installment, as well as how it connects to the previous four.

Books Comics

Exclusive Interview: “Marvel Zombies: The Hunger” Author Marsheila Rockwell


People love superheroes, and people love zombies. So, by the transitive property, people love zombie superheroes. Or you could just consider how both Marvel and DC have told zombie stories, with the former even incorporating them into their recent animated show What If?

Now, people who love zombie superheroes can get their fix without all those pesky illustrations thanks to Marsheila Rockwell’s new superheroic horror novel Marvel Zombies: The Hunger (paperback, Kindle). In the following email interview, Rockwell discusses what inspired and influenced this story, as well as how it connects to Marvel’s comics, What If?, and the other Marvel novels published by Aconyte.


Exclusive Interview: “Death Drives A Semi” Author Edo van Belkom


Twenty-five years after putting out his first short story collection, horror writer Edo van Belkom is doing it again with the 25th Anniversary Edition of 1998’s Death Drives A Semi (paperback, Kindle). In the following email interview, Edo discusses how this collection originally came together, as well as what’s new about this edition.


Exclusive Interview: “Greye La Spina: Fettered And Other Tales Of Terror” Editor Michael W. Phillips, Jr.


In the first half of the 1900s, writer Greye La Spina (1880 – 1969) was a regular fixture in such pulp magazines as Weird Tales. But while she fell into obscurity after she stopped writing, Greye is having something of a renaissance of late. Not only have her stories been reprinted in some recent anthologies, and a new version of her novel Invaders From The Dark published by Mint Editions, but a handful of her early stories have just been collected as Fettered And Other Tales Of Terror (paperback, Kindle). In the following email interview, Terror editor Michael W. Phillips, Jr. talks about how this collection came together, and what he hopes comes of it.


Exclusive Interview: “Earth Retrograde” Author R.W.W. Greene


With Earth Retrograde (paperback, Kindle), writer R.W.W. Greene is concluding The First Planets series he launched last year with Mercury Rising. In the following email interview, R. discusses what inspired and influenced this alt-history sci-fi series, how the two books connect, and why his main character isn’t named after a town in New Jersey.


Exclusive Interview: “Long Past Dues” Author James J. Butcher


Normally, we’re happy for someone when they get a new job. But you might want to hold off congratulating Grimshaw Griswald Grimsby — a witch in writer James J. Butcher’s urban fantasy series, The Unorthodox Chronicles — who, in the new book, Long Past Dues (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook) has a new job working for “The Man.”

In the following email interview, Butcher talks about Grimsby’s second work-related adventure, as well as his plan for the government witch moving forward.


Exclusive Interview: “Androne” Author Dwain Worrell


Writers of science fiction often set their stories in the near future or the far future. Or in the future of a parallel reality. But in the following email interview with author Dwain Worrell about his military sci-fi and then some novel Androne (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), the first installment of a duology, he says it’s set in the “here-future.”


Exclusive Interview: “My Pokémon Baking Book” Writer Jarrett Melendez


Admit it: You’ve wondered what Pikachu would taste like. We all have; just some of us are more willing than others to admit it. And we all know the answer, too: a cupcake. He would probably taste like a cupcake.

Well, wonder no more because now you can make Pikachu cupcakes, and many other baked goods inspired by your favorite pocket monsters, courtesy of Jarrett Melendez’s new cookbook, My Pokémon Baking Book: Delightful Bakes Inspired By The World Of Pokémon (hardcover, Kindle).

In the following email interview, Melendez explains how this cookbook came together, as well as which recipes are his favorite to bake.