Cartoon Network have announced that Adventure Time: The Complete Third Season will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on February 25th.
The bastard child of James Bond and Space Ghost: Coast To Coast, the animated workplace sitcom Archer presents the misadventures of a self-involved and dimwitted spy and his equally screwed up coworkers. It is, quite frankly, one of the weirdest and funniest shows on television right now. But if you’ve never seen it, Archer: The Complete Season Four — which Fox Home Video has just issued on DVD and Blu-ray — is not the place to start, you’ll just be lost. Once you catch up, though…
Scream Factory have announced that Sam Raimi’s cult classic Darkman will be released on Blu-ray on February 18th.
Marvel and Disney have announced that Thor: The Dark World will be released digitally on February 4th, and then on DVD, Blu-ray, and 3D DVD/Blu-ray combo pack on February 25th.
BBC Home Video have announced that Doctor Who: The Time Of The Doctor — which marks Matt Smith’s final turn as the space shamus — will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on March 4th.
FUNimation have announced what anime DVDs and Blu-rays they’ll release this coming March.
Summit Entertainment have announced that the sci-fi movie Ender’s Game will be released on DVD, in a DVD/Blu-ray combo pack, and digitally on February 11th.
Now available on DVD and Blu-ray, Elysium was one of the more interesting sci-fi movies of 2013. But it was also one of the most obviously flawed, and pointlessly so (as I noted in my review of the film).
But if you were able to get past its issues, the Blu-ray of the movie has lots of fun extras for fans of the film.
The DVD however…
Ever since The Simpsons: The Complete First Season came out in 2001, the people who put together The Simpsons DVDs, and now Blu-rays, have shown that they knew exactly what fans of that show — heck, every show — would want from a seasonal set. And, thankfully, they clearly didn’t lose sight of that when constructing the newest, The Simpsons: The Sixteenth Season.