In NBC’s espionage thriller show The Blacklist, a former intelligence officer turned master criminal turns himself into the FBI, but will only speak to an profiler named Elizabeth Keene, even though she hasn’t been on the job long enough to find the coffee machine. Which may sound ridiculous and unrealistic, and it is, but in rewatching the show on The Blacklist: The Complete First Season DVD (or, if you prefer, Blu-ray), it’s clear that the ridiculous unrealism is what makes this show so much fun.
Tag: Blu-rays
Dark Sky Films have announced that they will release The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: 40th Anniversary on Blu-ray, DVD, and a Collector’s Edition Blu-ray/DVD combo pack, and as a Black Maria limited edition Blu-ray boxed set on September 16th.
Universal Home Video that A Million Ways To Die In The West, the live-action Western comedy from Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane, will be released on Blu-ray/DVD combo pack and DVD on October 7th, and digitally on September 9th.
In The Amazing Spider-man 2 — which has just come out as a Blu-ray/DVD combo pack, a 3D Blu-ray/DVD combo pack, and on DVD — Harry Osbourne says that Peter Parker’s life is always complicated. But someone needs to tell the people who made this movie that this film didn’t need to be complicated as well, since it’s that complexity, and the ensuing convoluted story, that ultimately undermines this movie.
Warner Home Video have announced that they will release The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Extended Edition on Blu-ray and 3D Blu-ray on November 4th.
Fox Home video have announced that 24: Live Another Day will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on September 30th, as will a DVD boxed set called 24: The Complete Series With Live Another Day.
Fox Home Video have announced that X-Men: Days Of Future Past will be released on Blu-ray, 3D Blu-ray, and DVD on October 14th, and through digital download and streaming services on September 23rd.
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment have announced that Godzilla will be released as a Blu-ray/DVD combo pack, a 3D Blu-ray/DVD combo pack, on DVD, and digitally on September 16th.