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“Back 4 Blood” Single-Player Review


Like their previous games Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, and Evolve, Turtle Rock Studios’ Back 4 Blood (Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC) is a first-person shooter that’s meant to be played co-op. But unlike those games, Blood is also clearly made for people who’d like to play solo. Not to the same point a Call Of Duty sequel or Halogame, where there’s a dedicated story-driven campaign, but certainly enough that you can still have a good time even if you don’t play well with others.

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“Quake (2021 Enhanced Re-Release Version)” Review


I’ve been very open about the fact that if you remake a classic game, you need to update it to modern standards (my reviews of the Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2 remakes speak for themselves). But I’ve apparently found the exception with the 2021 Enhanced Re-Release version of the sci-fi first-person shooter Quake (Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, PC), which is mostly just a better looking version of an old game, but adds something new (maybe two) that makes it worth buying…especially at this game’s low price.

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Biomutant Review


Let’s cut to the chase: the sci-fi, third-person, open world, action-packed role-playing game Biomutant (Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC) is epic, effortlessly engaging, and entirely worth your time. But man, I wish it had gotten to the point as quickly as I just did because this sure takes its sweet time getting good.

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Exclusive Interview: “Aliens: Infiltrator” Author Weston Ochse


Though inspired by and connected to the Aliens movies, the science fiction space opera horror novel Aliens: Infiltrator (paperback, Kindle, audiobook) is better qualified as a direct prequel to the upcoming video game Aliens: Fireteam (out later this year for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC). But as its writer Weston Ochse explains in the following email interview, it’s also got connections to a certain sitcom.

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Resident Evil Village Review


Given how 2017’s Resident Evil 7: Biohazard was called a “return to form,” it should come as no surprise that the sequel would try to follow in its footsteps. But rather than rest on their laurels, and spend their time sipping Mai Tais as the money rolls in, the good people at Capcom have instead decided to progress once again by making Resident Evil Village (PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC, Stadia) essentially Resident Evil 7 crossed with Resident Evil 4 for a game that — yeah, you know — goes up to 11.

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“Outriders” Review


It used to be that developers would make games you could play solo or co-op. But lately what we get are always online co-op-centric games that can be played solo…I guess…but we’re not going to make it easy…or let you pause. What’s worse is that when you play them, you quickly realize that there’s no reason they should be primarily co-op. But while the third-person, sci-fi shooter Outriders (PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC) is one such game, it still manages to be an exceptional and inventive shooter, even if you go it alone.

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Exclusive Interview: “Halo: Point Of Light” Author Kelly Gay


One of the breakout stars of the original Halo was 343 Guilty Spark. And like all good celebrities, Sparky parlayed his notoriety into a media empire that included a reality show [Keeping Up With The Reclaimers], a perfume [Eue De Digits], and even a line of decorative dish towels. And now he’s back, reuniting with his old pal Rion — and writer Kelly Gay — for the new novel, Halo: Point Of Light (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), the sequel to Gay’s Halo: Smoke And Shadow and Halo: Renegades. In the following email interview, Gay talks about how the Sparkster inspired her to write this sci-fi space opera story.

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Worst Video Games Of 2020


2020 was one of the worst years in recent memory. But it was also, ironically, one of the worst years for bad video games. Or maybe I just managed to avoid them.

Either way, here is my rather short list of the worst games I played in 2020.

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Best Video Games Of 2020


While 2020 was the worst year in recent memory, there were some bright spots, and not all of them involved Fleetwood Mac and fruit juice. There were some good video games as well.

Here, in the order I played them (more or less), are the best games I played in 2020.