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TOY NEWS: Star Wars & Batman Wisecracks Announced

Funko have announced that they will release Wisecrack statues of Han Solo, Chewbaca, Batman, and The Joker on December 24th.

Each of the statues depict their respective characters looking like 10-year-old kids and with bad puns on their bases.

Han Solo’s, for instance, says “Talk To The Han” and has him putting his hand out like it’s still the ’90s…

Han Solo


…Chewbacca’s identifies him as “Wookiee Of The Year,” a title he clearly appreciates getting…



…Batman’s has his sneering like he’s Billy Idol as he says that you’re, ” Totally Cape-Able,” (though his sneer seems to render the compliment moot)…

Batman Wisecracks


…while The Joker’s has him looking rather sincere as he says, “I’m Crazy About You!”

Batman Joker Wisecracks


For more info on these, or other Wisecracks, visit Funko’s website.


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