Books News

TECH NEWS: New Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Announced

Amazon have announced that they’ll release the new Kindle Paperwhite, their sixth generation ereader, on September 30.

The new Kindle will boast a new, easier-to-read display with better contrast and a built-in light to lessen eyestrain, as well as updated touch technology.



In an exclusive interview sent to everyone on their PR list, Amazon’s founder and CEO said, “Kindle is the best-selling e-reader in the world for six years running. No one is investing on behalf of readers or pushing the boundaries of hardware, software and content for readers like this team: the new Kindle Paperwhite has brand-new display technology, the next generation of our built-in light, a faster processor, plus all of the exclusive benefits of the Kindle ecosystem like Kindle MatchBook, Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, over 400,000 exclusive titles, Goodreads, Kindle Singles, Kindle Worlds, Kindle FreeTime, and much more.”

One of the big things the Kindle Paperwhite is adding is the ability to flip to another page in your book without losing your page. You can not only do this automatically with footnotes — tapping on one takes you to the note without actually leaving the page you’re on — but you can also skip ahead or behind to any page without losing your place as well. This will obviously come in handy if you’re reading a book with a glossary, though the Kindle Paperwhite also has a new smart look-up feature that integrates Wikipedia and X-Ray.

The ereader will also including integration with Goodreads, as well as enhanced parental controls that will not only let you decide what your kids read and for how long, but will award them with virtual badges when they hit milestones.

The Kindle Paperwhite will be $119.00 for the wi-fi only model or $189.00 for the 3G-enabled one.


One reply on “TECH NEWS: New Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Announced”

[…] Amazon Kindle Paperwhite: The best-selling e-reader has gotten even better. The (already awesome) screen and UI (that still needs work) have been improved. Amazon is killing this niche and the competition is dwindling. While it’s not as sexy as some of the other tech products that were announced, I’m really excited for the new Paperwhite. It’s cheap, easy on the eyes, and is backed by an immense library. Check out more details on the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite from […]

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