
Exclusive Interview: “These Fragile Graces, This Fugitive Heart” Author Izzy Wasserstein


“I don’t generally set out to write about social and political topics,” writer Izzy Wasserstein says in the following email interview about her new novella These Fragile Graces, This Fugitive Heart (paperback, Kindle), “but we’re living in a time of political upheaval, climate change, and rising authoritarianism. And as a trans woman, I’m constantly being reminded that my existence is political.”

Though in talking about this queer, noir technothriller, it’s clear that while Wasserstein didn’t necessarily set out to be social or political, this story wouldn’t have it any other way.

Books Video Games

Exclusive Interview: “Tom Clancy’s: The Division: Hunted” Author Thomas Parrott


With Tom Clancy’s The Division: Hunted (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), writer Thomas Parrott is concluding the Operation Crossroads trilogy of technothrillers based on the titular video games, which he started in 2022 with Recruited and continued later that year with Compromised.

In the following email interview, Parrott discusses how this third installment finishes the story (and how he feels about that) as well as what influenced this final novel.


Exclusive Interview: “Deep Freeze” Author Michael C. Grumley


Usually stories about people being frozen for a long time are firmly in the science fiction genre. Or the comic book section.

But in the following email interview about his new technothriller mystery novel Deep Freeze (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook), writer Michael C. Grumley explains how this story about a people-sicle is less of an “what if” and more of a “when.”


Exclusive Interview: “Escape Orbit” Author Patrick Chiles


Okay, stay with me. With Escape Orbit (paperback, Kindle), writer Patrick Chiles is presenting the sequel to his 2020 sci-fi novel Frozen Orbit. But he’s also presenting the second installment of a trilogy, which is also the sixth book in a series that started with 2012’s Perigee, then continued with 2015’s Farside and 2022 sci-fi technothriller Frontier…except that the Orbit trilogy are only loosely connected to those other books, and are more straight sci-fi. But don’t worry, in the following email interview about Escape Orbit, we talk about his dogs.


Exclusive Interview: “Deploying Dragons” Author Dan Koboldt


With Deploying Dragons (paperback, Kindle), writer Dan Koboldt is continuing the Build-A-Dragon Sequence he started with 2021’s Domesticating Dragons. In the following email interview, he discusses what inspired and influenced this military sci-fi technothriller.


Exclusive Interview: “Frontier” Author Patrick Chiles


For Frontier (paperback, Kindle), the fourth book in his loosely connected sci-fi series, writer Patrick Chiles is giving us the hero we all need: a bored guy who wishes his job was more exciting…until it is. In the following email interview, Chiles talks about what inspired and influenced this military sci-fi technothriller, and how it connects to his previous novels.


Exclusive Interview: “7 Grams Of Lead” Writer Keith Thomson


In his new thriller 7 Grams Of Lead, (paperback, Kindle, audiobook) writer Keith Thomson follows a journalist who’s had a surveillance device implanted in his brain. But while some might think this technothriller is pure fantasy, Thomson says explains that it was inspired by a real event.