
Exclusive Interview: “There Before The Chaos” Author K.B. Wagers


Last year, science fiction writer K.B. Wagers’ Beyond The Empire brought their epic sci-fi space opera trilogy The Indranan War to a close…sort of. As they mentioned in the interview we did back then for that book [which you can read here], Beyond The Empire was the third and final book of The Indranan War, but that The Indranan War was just the first trilogy; a second, The Farian War, would be starting with the October 9th release of There Before The Chaos (paperback, Kindle).

With October 9th finally upon us — or past us, depending on when you read this — I once again bugged Wagers via email to us everything we need to know about the new book, this second trilogy, and whether we’ll ever see our hero on the big or small screen.


Exclusive Interview: “The Dreaming Stars” Author Tim Pratt


Tim Pratt’s sci-fi space opera The Wrong Stars was easily one of my favorite books last year. Now Pratt is continuing that story with The Dreaming Stars (paperback, Kindle), the second stand-alone story in his ongoing Axiom series.

In the following email interview, he discusses the origins of The Wrong Stars, how it connects to The Dreaming Stars, and how things are going with the third book, 2019’s The Forbidden Stars.


Exclusive Interview: Revenant Gun Author Yoon Ha Lee

With Revenant Gun (paperback, Kindle), writer Yoon Ha Lee has concluded the sci-fi space opera trilogy he began with 2016’s Ninefox Gambit and continued with 2017’s Raven Stratagem. But in the following email interview about it, he mentions how the end of this trilogy isn’t the end of the story.

DVDs/Blu-rays Movies Reviews

Solo: A Star Wars Story Blu-ray, 4K Review

While Han Solo has long been one of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars saga, he’s also been one of the more mysterious, with his backstory left largely untold. But that all changed with Solo: A Star Wars Story, a biopic that showed what Han was up to a few years before he agreed to give a ride to some old guy and a cocky teenager. And while this epic sci-fi space opera works well on the new Blu-ray and 4K editions, they are missing some key extras that would’ve made them even better. (There is also a DVD version, but it seems to have no extras, and since I wasn’t sent a copy of it to review…)


Exclusive Interview: Stars Uncharted Authors S.K. Dunstall


It’s been said that while almost no one bought the Velvet Underground’s albums, everyone who did started their own band. It seems you could say something similar about the TV show Firefly, which has inspired numerous sci-fi space operas, including R.E. Stearns’ Barbary Station, T.J. Berry’s Space Unicorn Blues, and Mike Brooks’ Dark Deeds. But while you might think the same of the sci-fi space opera Stars Uncharted (paperback, Kindle) by S.K. Dunstall — or, as they’re known to their friends, sisters Sherylyn and Karen Dunstall — in the following email interview, the duo confess they’d never saw Firefly until someone pointed out the similarities to their new book.


Exclusive Interview: Condomnauts Author Yoss


It’s always interesting to see how science fiction writers put their own unique spins on stories of first contact between humanity and aliens. Take, for example, Condomnauts (paperback, Kindle), the sci-fi space opera by Yoss, who — in the following email interview that was translated from Spanish by Lily Seibert — explains how his story of first contact is, well, rather intimate.


Exclusive Interview: “Noumenon Infinity” Author Marina J. Lostetter


In the following email interview, writer Marina J. Lostetter discusses Noumenon Infinity (paperback, Kindle), the second book in her sci-fi space opera series after last year’s Noumenon. And not, as I originally thought, a look at how The Muppets never seem to age.


Exclusive Interview: The Tropic Of Eternity Author Tom Toner

While so many space opera stories takes place only a few hundred years in the future, writerTom Toner is doing something different with his six-part series The Amaranthine Spectrum by having it take place thousands of years from now. But then — as I learned during the following email interview about the third book, The Tropic Of Eternity (hardcover, Kindle) — Toner also doesn’t consider this saga to just be a space opera.


Exclusive Interview: Free Chocolate Author Amber Royer


In Sam Hawke’s City Of Lies, Cassandra Khaw’s Food Of The Gods, and Matt Wallace’s Sin Du Jour Affair series, we’ve seen the emergence of a new fantasy subgenre based around food. Now it seems science fiction is making similar culinary inroads with Amber Royer’s Free Chocolate (paperback, Kindle), which she refers to as being “Comedic culinary space opera.” Though in the following email interview, she notes how this sci-fi story is also inspired by telenovelas.