Books Comics

Exclusive Interview: “Dune, The Graphic Novel, Book 2: Muad’Dib” Artists Patricia Martín & Raúl Allén


Frank Herbert’s sci-fi space opera novel Dune has been wildly influential since it was first released in 1965. And not just on other novels. Its influence has been felt in movies, video games, and, of course, comic books. So it’s fitting that Dune would become the subject of its own comic book adaptation. In the following email interview, the artists working on this visual version — Patricia Martín and Raúl Allén— discuss the second book of three, Dune, The Graphic Novel, Book 2: Muad’Dib (hardcover, Kindle).

Books Comics

Exclusive Interview: “Dune, The Graphic Novel” Artists Patricia Martín & Raúl Allén


While it’s been fifty-five years since Frank Herbert published his epic sci-fi space opera novel Dune, its influence is still being felt. And no, not just in Star Wars stories. Not only is the novel being adapted into a pair of movies by Blade Runner 2049 director Denis Villeneuve, but there’s also a spin-off TV series in the works called Dune: The Sisterhood. But for those who’d rather read this epic (again), there’s a new graphic novel adaptation, one that’s drawn by illustrators Patricia Martín and Raúl Allén. In the following email interview, Martín and Allén discuss what went into the visual side of Dune, The Graphic Novel, Book 1 (hardcover, Kindle), the first of a three-part adaptation.

Please note: All answers come from both Patricia and Raúl unless otherwise indicated.