
Exclusive Interview: “A Few Last Words For The Late Immortals” Author Michael Bishop


When a writer puts together a collection of their work, they often collect their best work, their most recent work, or work that all falls within the same genre. And they usually keep their own council. But with A Few Last Words For The Late Immortals (paperback, Kindle), sci-fi and fantasy author Michael Bishop not only worked with editor Michael H. Hutchins, but he started with the idea of collecting pieces based on length; Immortals includes short stories, poems, prose poems, and a play, none of which top 3,000 words. In the following email interview, Bishop discusses what inspired him to assemble this collection.


Exclusive Interview: The City And The Cygnets Author Michael Bishop


In 1970, writer Michael Bishop wrote “If A Flower Could Eclipse,” the first in what would become a series of short stories and a novel, A Little Knowledge, set in the Urban Nucleus Of Atlanta. Now, all of these tales have been collected in the new anthology The City And The Cygnets (paperback, Kindle). In the following email interview, Bishop explains what this series of stories is about, what inspired it, and whether he thinks this would be a good place to start exploring his impressive oeuvre.