
Exclusive Interview: “Monster Hunter Memoirs: Fever” Authors Larry Correia & Jason Cordova


There’s a reason why Larry Correia’s Monster Hunter International series has been going strong since 2007. And no, it’s not just because they’re fun pulpy, action-packed urban fantasy tales. It’s also because he keeps injecting new perspectives into the mix, be it in such short story anthologies as Monster Hunter Files or the Monster Hunter Memoirs subseries, both of which have other writers playing in Larry’s monster-filled sandbox. The latest of which is Jason Cordova, who’s joining Larry for Monster Hunter Memoirs: Fever (hardcover, Kindle), the fourth in the Memoirs subseries, but also a new beginning for it…sort of. I’ll let them explain in the following email interview.


Exclusive Interview: “No Game For Knights” Editors Larry Correia & Kacey Ezell


At a time when eqality and parity are slowly becoming the norm, it’s a little funny that the motivation behind No Game For Knights (hardcover, Kindle), a new anthology of sci-fi and fantasy detective short stories, would be to give equal time to men. In the following email interview, Knights editors Larry Correia and Kacey Ezell discuss how this collection came together in reaction to a previous anthology they did.


Exclusive Interview: “Monster Hunter Bloodlines” Author Larry Correia


Like the video games, to which there is no connection, Larry Correia’s Monster Hunter International novels have people, well, hunting monsters…just in a different place, and in different ways, and more for profit than survival. All of which comes up in the newest installment, Monster Hunter Bloodlines (hardcover, paperback, Kindle, audiobook). In the following email interview, Correia discusses both the series and this latest chapter, as well as two other newly released books that have his name on the cover.


Exclusive Interview: “Destroyer Of Worlds” Author Larry Correia


It’s either a really good time to be a fan of writer Larry Correia…or a really bad one. Not only has he just released Destroyer Of Worlds (hardcover, Kindle), the latest book in his Saga Of The Forgotten Warrior series, but the paperback version of his short story collection Target Rich Environment Volume 2 is coming out at the end of the month, the paperback of Monster Hunter Guardian, the latest in his Monster Hunter series, will be released November 24th, and a new novel, Gun Runner, is scheduled to come out in February of next year. And that’s not even counting the paperback version of the Saga Of The Forgotten Warrior novel House Of Assassins, which came out in March, or the paperback edition of Noir Fatale, a short story collection he co-edited with Kacey Ezell.

All of which is why it’s a really good time to do an email interview with him about Destroyer Of Worlds, Target Rich Environment Volume 2, and the rest of his new releases.