
Exclusive Interview: “Zombicide: Do Or Die” Author Josh Reynolds


In an interview we did about his novel Zombicide: All Or Nothing, writer Josh Reynolds explained how his central character, Westlake, is “a self-aware zombie.” And no, he didn’t mean the guy was aware of his living impaired privilege.

Well, it’s time for another adventure with Reynold’s percipient undead hero. In this new email interview, Reynolds discusses Zombicide: Do Or Die (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), his third novel based on the titular survival board game.


Exclusive Interview: “Zombicide: All Or Nothing” Author Josh Reynolds


Like the survival board game Zombicide that it’s connected to, Josh Reynold’s novel Zombicide: All Or Nothing (paperback, Kindle, audiobook) was inspired in part by some iconic zombie movies.

But as Reynolds explains in the following email interview, it was also inspired by an iconic movie that’s not about the living impaired.


Exclusive Interview: “Legend Of The Five Rings: Death’s Kiss” Author Josh Reynolds


Usually when a writer pens a novel that’s inspired by a game, any kind of game, the biggest influence on the novel is, well, the game. But in the following email interview about Legend Of The Five Rings: Death’s Kiss (paperback, Kindle) — which is connected to the Legend Of The Five Rings tabletop RPGs and card games, as well as the second book in his Daidoji Shin Mystery series after last year’s Poison River — Reynolds revealed it was also largely influenced by a series of classic mystery novels.