
Exclusive Interview: “Devil’s Gun” Author Cat Rambo


There are a lot of things mercenaries can do when they retire: start their own private military companies; train other mercenaries; ride off into the sunset…

But in Cat Rambo’s sci-fi space opera novel You Sexy Thing, some retired mercs started their own restaurant…only to still get into trouble of the mercenary kind.

Now they’re getting into even more trouble in Devil’s Gun, the second book in Rambo’s Disco Space Opera series. With that book newly released in paperback — and a third, Rumor Has It, coming September 24th — I spoke to Rambo about what inspired and influenced this second story, and this series.


Exclusive Interview: “The Future Second By Second” Author Meridel Newton


Most post-apocalyptic stories are, naturally, dark and sad. But in her new novella The Future Second By Second (paperback, Kindle), writer Meridel Newton decided to give us something not so dour. In the following email interview, she not only explains this tonal decision, but also what inspired and influenced this hopepunk sci-fi story.


Exclusive Interview: “You Sexy Thing” Author Cat Rambo


Isn’t it always the way: You finally get to retire, only to have something screw it up. I hate when that happens. But as cliché as it may be to have your dreams dashed just when they’re coming to fruition, there’s nothing cliché about how the characters in Cat Rambo’s sci-fi space opera military fantasy hopepunk novel You Sexy Thing (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook) have their life plans derailed. In the following email interview, Rambo explains what inspired and influenced this genre-mashing novel, as well as their plans to further screw with their characters’ plans.


Exclusive Interview: Deep Roots Author Ruthanna Emrys

Some writers and stories can best be described as Lovecraft-esque. But in her dark fantasy series The Innsmouth Legacy — which began with the 2014 novellete “The Litany Of Earth” [which you can read here] and continued with last year’s novel Winter Tide — writer Ruthanna Emrys is telling new stories in Lovecraft’s (hopefully) fictional universe. In the following email interview, Emrys discusses how the third and latest installment, Deep Roots (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook) continues this ongoing saga.