
Exclusive Interview: “Descendant Machine” Author Gareth L. Powell


With his new sci-fi space opera novel Descendant Machine (paperback, Kindle), writer Gareth L. Powell is presenting the second half of the Continuance duology he launched last year with Stars And Bones. In the following email interview, Powell explains how Bones and Machine are connected, and unconnected, as well as why you don’t have to read them in the order they were written.


Exclusive Interview: “Stars And Bones” Author Gareth L. Powell


Sometimes it seems like it would all be easier if someone else sorted it all out. Especially these days when our problems seem so insurmountable. It’s a thought that writer Gareth L. Powell not only entertained, but is also exploring in his new cosmic horror-infused sci-fi space opera novel Stars And Bones (paperback, Kindle, audiobook). In the following email interview, Powell discusses where this idea took him, and how it’s going to require more than one story to complete that thought.


Exclusive Interview: “Light Chaser” Co-Authors Peter F. Hamilton & Gareth L. Powell


Given that they both write epic sci-fi space opera stories, you might think Peter F. Hamilton (of the Salvation Sequence Hamiltons) and Gareth L. Powell (of the Embers Of War Trilogy fortune) would be cordial at best and bitter rivals at worst. But once again, your cynical nature has gotten the best of you, because the two not only get along, they actually appreciate each other’s work enough that they decided to collaborate on (what else?) an epic sci-fi space opera story. In the following email interview, Peter and Gareth discuss their new novella Light Chaser (paperback, Kindle), as well as their mutual admiration society membership


Exclusive Interview: “The Recollection: Tenth Anniversary Edition” Author Gareth L. Powell


It was recently announced that Gareth L. Powell’s sci-fi space opera novel Embers Of War might be coming to TV screens in the not so distant future. But this isn’t the only bit of good news for Powell and his fans; Solaris have just released The Recollection: Tenth Anniversary Edition (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), a new edition of his second novel. In the following email interview, Powell discusses both the 2011 original and this new edition.


Exclusive Interview: “Light Of Impossible Stars” Author Gareth L. Powell


With Light Of Impossible Stars (paperback, Kindle), writer Gareth L. Powell is completing the sci-fi space opera trilogy Embers Of War that he began two years ago with Embers Of War and continued last year with Fleet Of Knives. In the following email interview, he discusses what inspired and influenced Stars, as well as briefly mentioning the new universe he’s creating.


Exclusive Interview: “Fleet Of Knives” Author Gareth L. Powell


Last year, Gareth L. Powell kicked off a sci-fi space opera trilogy with his novel Embers Of War. With the middle book, Fleet Of Knives (paperback, Kindle) either out or about to come out (depending on when you read this), and the third book slated for this time next year, I spoke to him via email about what inspired and influenced this second story, how it connects to the first, as well as Ragged Alice, a horror novella that’s coming out this April.


Exclusive Interview: “Embers Of War” Author Gareth L Powell


Writer, politician, and former ambassador to both Italy and Brazil Clare Boothe Luce once noted that, “no good deed goes unpunished.” It’s an idea the crew of the sentient spaceship War Dog — and the ship itself — comes to understand in Gareth L Powell’s new space opera, Embers Of War (paperback, Kindle), the first book in his new sci-fi trilogy.