
Exclusive Interview: Anna Author Sammy H.K. Smith


They say you shouldn’t take your work home with you. And for homicide detective Sammy H.K. Smith, this would’ve been good advice…had it not led to her writing the dystopian thriller Anna (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook). In the following email interview, Smith discusses what (aside from her job) inspired and influenced this novel, as well as her plans for more stories.


Exclusive Interview: “Kimber” Author L.K. Hingey


It’s been said that the Chinese word for “crisis” is also the word for “opportunity.” It’s not, but it’s still a nice idea. Especially if the crisis is a medical one and the opportunity is writing a series of dystopia hard sci-fi novels. In the following email interview, writer and former Army helicopter pilot L.K. Hingey discusses how being forced to medically retire led her to write Kimber (paperback, Kindle), the first book of five in The Elyrian Chronicles.


Exclusive Interview: Vigilance Author Robert Jackson Bennett

After writing the three novels in his fantasy series the Divine Cities trilogy, writer Robert Jackson Bennett switched things up by combining urban fantasy and cyberpunk for Foundryside, the first book in his Founders trilogy. Now he’s changing things up again with his new novella Vigilance (paperback, Kindle), a dystopian sci-fi satire. In the following email interview, Bennett talks about how this story of a gun game was neither inspired nor influenced by what you might expect.