
Exclusive Interview: “To Dance With Destiny” Author W.L. Hawkin


With To Dance With Destiny (paperback, Kindle), writer W.L. Hawkin is presenting the fifth book of her urban fantasy thriller series, the Hollystone Mysteries. In the following email interview, Hawkin talks about what inspired and influenced this latest installment, as well as how it connects to the previous four.

Books Comics

Exclusive Interview: “Marvel Zombies: The Hunger” Author Marsheila Rockwell


People love superheroes, and people love zombies. So, by the transitive property, people love zombie superheroes. Or you could just consider how both Marvel and DC have told zombie stories, with the former even incorporating them into their recent animated show What If?

Now, people who love zombie superheroes can get their fix without all those pesky illustrations thanks to Marsheila Rockwell’s new superheroic horror novel Marvel Zombies: The Hunger (paperback, Kindle). In the following email interview, Rockwell discusses what inspired and influenced this story, as well as how it connects to Marvel’s comics, What If?, and the other Marvel novels published by Aconyte.


Exclusive Interview: “Death Drives A Semi” Author Edo van Belkom


Twenty-five years after putting out his first short story collection, horror writer Edo van Belkom is doing it again with the 25th Anniversary Edition of 1998’s Death Drives A Semi (paperback, Kindle). In the following email interview, Edo discusses how this collection originally came together, as well as what’s new about this edition.


Exclusive Interview: “Earth Retrograde” Author R.W.W. Greene


With Earth Retrograde (paperback, Kindle), writer R.W.W. Greene is concluding The First Planets series he launched last year with Mercury Rising. In the following email interview, R. discusses what inspired and influenced this alt-history sci-fi series, how the two books connect, and why his main character isn’t named after a town in New Jersey.


Exclusive Interview: “Long Past Dues” Author James J. Butcher


Normally, we’re happy for someone when they get a new job. But you might want to hold off congratulating Grimshaw Griswald Grimsby — a witch in writer James J. Butcher’s urban fantasy series, The Unorthodox Chronicles — who, in the new book, Long Past Dues (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook) has a new job working for “The Man.”

In the following email interview, Butcher talks about Grimsby’s second work-related adventure, as well as his plan for the government witch moving forward.


Exclusive Interview: “Androne” Author Dwain Worrell


Writers of science fiction often set their stories in the near future or the far future. Or in the future of a parallel reality. But in the following email interview with author Dwain Worrell about his military sci-fi and then some novel Androne (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), the first installment of a duology, he says it’s set in the “here-future.”


Exclusive Interview: “He Wasn’t There Again Today” Author Candas Jane Dorsey


With He Wasn’t There Again Today (paperback, Kindle), writer Candas Jane Dorsey is presenting the third book in the Epitome Apartments Mystery series. In the following email interview, Dorsey explains what inspired and influenced this new installment, as well as whether there’s more mysteries to come.

Books Comics

Exclusive Interview: “Heart Attack” Writer Shawn Kittelsen & Artist Eric Zawadzki


It doesn’t matter how or why, but if you’re different in this world, someone will hate you for it. Just ask anyone who isn’t straight, white, cisgender, native to the country they’re living in…

Or, if you prefer, ask Jill and Charlie from the graphic novel Heart Attack (paperback, Kindle), in which gene therapy inadvertently leads to some people to have special abilities, and thus being the targets of bigotry from a government that fears them.

In the following email interview, Heart Attack writer Shawn Kittelsen and artist Eric Zawadzki discuss how this comic book came together.


Exclusive Interview: “Removal Acts” Author Erin Marie Lynch


Congratulations are in order: Erin Marie Lynch is putting out her first book of poetry, Removal Acts (paperback, Kindle). And if the poems I’ve read online are any indication, it’s going to be a good one. To find out who and what influenced these poems, and how this book came together, please check out the following email interview.