
Exclusive Interview: “Emergent Properties” Author Aimee Ogden


When we think of the things that artificial intelligence might do one day, we usually think of self-driving cars, robot maids, and, uh, world domination. But in Aimee Ogden’s noir-adjacent sci-fi mystery novella Emergent Properties (paperback, Kindle), the main character is an A.I. who works as a journalist. In the following email interview, Ogden discusses what inspired and influenced this plausibly futuristic story.


Exclusive Interview: “Local Star” Author Aimee Ogden


While the writers of fortune cookie fortunes may disagree, everything is better when you add the phrase “in space” at the end. So says writer Aimee Ogden in the following email interview about her polyamorous space opera novella, Local Star (paperback, Kindle), a sci-fi rewrite of William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing…in space.