Though he’s often had his own comic book, Ant-Man — much like Thor before him — has always worked better as a member of The Avengers than he has on his own. So it’s rather fitting that the Ant-Man movie would — much like Thor and Thor: The Dark World before it — be an interesting flick, but not anywhere as good as The Avengers or The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Or that the same could be said about its Blu-ray, Blu-ray/3D Blu-ray combo pack, and especially its DVD.
Category: DVDs/Blu-rays
Walt Disney Studios have announced that they will release the TV series LEGO Star Wars Droid Tales on DVD on March 1, 2016.
While the quality has sometimes waivered, the Terminator movies have always managed to be engaging and intriguing. But while the same can be said about the latest (and, sadly, possibly last) installment, Terminator Genisys, the wavering comes not in the movie itself, but in the extras included, and not included, in the Blu-ray/DVD combo pack, the 3D Blu-ray/DVD combo pack, and especially the DVD.
Given that it’s one of the funniest movies ever made, it’s not surprising that Monty Python And The Holy Grail has been released numerous times on home video. But while the new Monty Python And The Holy Grail 40th Anniversary Blu-ray Edition is great if you don’t already own the movie, it doesn’t add enough to make it worth getting if you own the previous Blu-ray edition. Y’know, the one you bought three years ago.
Some good movies get bad Blu-rays, and some bad movies get good Blu-rays. So it’s kind of nice that the Jurassic World Blu-ray, 3D Blu-ray, and DVD for Jurassic World would be on the same level of the movie….or rather, it would be, if the movie hadn’t been disappointing and flawed.
As a resident of Los Angeles who visits San Francisco fairly regularly, I live in constant fear of being squished by an earthquake. And yet I also find movies in which earthquakes decimate Los Angeles, San Francisco, or even the whole world to be entirely engaging, even when the shaking is surrounded by a rote story or shallow characters. Which is what you get from San Andreas (Blu-ray, 3D Blu-ray, DVD): a rather exciting disaster.
Like The Simpsons, Family Guy, and other cartoons that have been on the air a long time, South Park may not be as good as it used to be, but it’s still funny and even occasionally has flashes of its old brilliance. What hasn’t changed, though, is how the South Park The Complete Eighteenth Season Blu-ray and DVD has the same shortcomings as The Complete First Season DVD and all the other seasonal sets in between.
In the years since Return Of The Jedi came out in 1983, and especially after Revenge Of The Sith was released in 2005, the writers of the Star Wars books, comics, and games have often explored what happened before and after the two trilogies, but have left the time between them largely untouched. Which is part of what makes Star Wars Rebels so compelling, since this cartoon explores the early days of the rebellion in the years leading up to the first movie, 1977’s A New Hope. But while Star Wars Rebels Complete Season One Blu-ray and DVD do a good job presenting the show, it doesn’t do as good a job in showing how it was made.
At a time when CGI spectaculars are the norm, the vehicular action movie Mad Max Fury Road stood out for largely using real stunt people and practical effects…and still being just as exciting as one of those CGI spectaculars. But while the Blu-ray/DVD combo pack, 3D Blu-ray/DVD combo pack, and DVD pair the film with some informative extras, they still come up a little short.