
Exclusive Interview: “Arkham Horror: Herald Of Ruin” Author Tim Pratt


Last year, when Tim Pratt released Arkham Horror: The Ravening Deep, his first novel connected to Fantasy Flight’s H.P. Lovecraft-inspired card game, Arkham Horror, he was a little cagey when talking about whether this was the first book in a series or a stand-alone. “…let’s just say we’re talking about things.

Well, it turns out that talk turned into action, and now we not only have a sequel, Arkham Horror: Herald Of Ruin (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), but, as he says in the following email interview, there’s also going to be a third novel in this cycle he’s calling The Sanford Files.


Exclusive Interview: “The Knife And The Serpent” Author Tim Pratt


Author Tim Pratt is not the first to cite Ian M. Banks’ Culture series as an influence on his science fiction space opera stories, and he won’t be the last.

Pratt’s also not the first to incorporate elements of multiversal theory into his work, and, again, he won’t be the last.

But he may be the first (as far as I know) to explain how he’s combining by paraphrasing a candy commercial from the 1970s.

Which is what he does in the following email interview about his new multiversal sci-fi space opera adventure, The Knife And The Serpent (paperback, Kindle, audiobook).


Exclusive Interview: “Arkham Horror: The Ravening Deep” Author Tim Pratt


California is known for sun and fun. But for writer Tim Pratt, it’s also where he conjured an ancient evil. Well, an ancient evil in a story, that is.

Which is just one of the things you’ll learn in the following email interview we did about Pratt’s new supernatural adventure novel, Arkham Horror: The Ravening Deep (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), which is connected to Fantasy Flight’s H.P. Lovecraft-inspired card game, Arkham Horror.


Exclusive Interview: “Twilight Imperium: The Veiled Masters” Author Tim Pratt


With The Veiled Masters (paperback, Kindle), author Tim Pratt is once again exploring and expanding the sci-fi space opera universe of the tabletop strategy game Twilight Imperium he previously visited in his novels The Fractured Void and The Necropolis Empire.

In the following email interview about Masters, Pratt discusses what influenced this espionage-infused story and how it connects to both the game and his previous Imperium novels.


Exclusive Interview: “Prison Of Sleep” Author Tim Pratt


As someone who has trouble falling asleep, I am envious of those who find it easy. But I draw the line at “…and then wake up in an alternate reality with no way to get home.” I hate when that happens. But as is so often the case, what’s terrible is real life is great in fiction.

This brings me to Tim Pratt’s multiverse sci-fi novel Prison Of Sleep (paperback, Kindle), in which the main character has the aforementioned sleep problem. In the following email interview, Pratt discusses this novel, and the one that preceded it, Doors Of Sleep.


Exclusive Interview: “The Necropolis Empire” Author Tim Pratt


Like his novel The Fractured Void, Tim Pratt’s The Necropolis Empire (paperback, Kindle) is a sci-fi space opera based on the strategic board game Twilight Imperium.

But while both novels share the same universe, as he explains in the following email interview about it, Necropolis isn’t a sequel to Fractured…well, not entirely.


Exclusive Interview: “The Alien Stars” Author Tim Pratt


In 2019, when writer Tim Pratt was doing interviews about his sci-fi space opera novel The Forbidden Stars, he said that while it was the final book of his Axiom trilogy, “I expect to still write stories and novellas set in the world. … I want to do a short book each about the engineer Ashok, the A.I. Shall, and the alien Lantern.”

Jump ahead two years, to now, and we have The Alien Stars And Other Novellas (paperback, Kindle), three stories about Ashok, Shall, and Lantern. In the following email interview, Pratt discusses these three novellas, as well as the three unrelated novels he’s either recently released or will have out soon.


Exclusive Interview: “Doors Of Sleep” Author Tim Pratt


Between Rick And Morty, Star Trek: Discovery, and everyone joking that we’re living in the bad timeline, stories about multiverses are all the rage. But jumping from one to another may not be as fun as Rick and his portal gun make it seem. Exhibit A: Doors Of Sleep (paperback, Kindle), a multiverse sci-fi novel by Tim Pratt.

In the following email interview, Pratt explains how things work in this parallel universe novel, what inspired and influenced it, as well as his two other new books: the sci-fi space opera novel The Fractured Void (paperback, Kindle) and the sci-fi space opera novella collection The Alien Stars (paperback, Kindle).


Exclusive Interview: “The Fractured Void” Author Tim Pratt


As anyone who’s read any of the Halo or Dungeons & Dragons novels will tell you, novels based on games usually require readers to be players of said games to be understood, let alone appreciated. But apparently, it need not be that way.

Take The Fractured Void (paperback, Kindle), a sci-fi space opera novel based on the strategic board game Twilight Imperium. As author Tim Pratt explains, not only do you not have to play T.I. to enjoy this story, you wouldn’t have had to play the game to write this novel, either.