
Exclusive Interview: “Herald Of The Black Moon” Author Stephen Deas


With his new sword & sorcery fantasy novel Herald Of The Black Moon (paperback, Kindle), writer Stephen Deas is concluding the Dominion trilogy he launched in 2021 with The Moonsteel Crown and continued in 2022’s The House Of Cats And Gulls. Which, all together, form a sequel to The Thief-Taker’s Apprentice series, and a prequel of sorts to his novel Dragon Queen, which was the first book of his Silver Kings series, itself part of his Memory Of Flames series. (Whew!)

In the following email interview, Deas explains what inspired and influenced Moon, including how he knew how it ended before he even started writing Moonsteel.


Exclusive Interview: “The Moonsteel Crown” Author Stephen Deas


Like other fantasy writers, Stephen Deas is a veteran of numerous Dungeons And Dragons campaigns. But — as he confesses in following email interview about his new sword & sorcery novel, The Moonsteel Crown (paperback, Kindle) — he may be the first who’s tried to correct the mistakes of his adventure gaming past by writing a story…then abandoned it, came back to it, and, oh, you know, I’ll let him tell you the story…