
Exclusive Interview: “The Sins On Their Bones” Author Laura R. Samotin


In the following email interview about her new novel The Sins On Their Bones (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), writer Laura R. Samotin talks about how not seeing someone like her in fantasy stories led her to write this queer,  Jewish, dark fantasy novel with a heavy romantic subplot, which is the first of a two-parter.


Exclusive Interview: “These Fragile Graces, This Fugitive Heart” Author Izzy Wasserstein


“I don’t generally set out to write about social and political topics,” writer Izzy Wasserstein says in the following email interview about her new novella These Fragile Graces, This Fugitive Heart (paperback, Kindle), “but we’re living in a time of political upheaval, climate change, and rising authoritarianism. And as a trans woman, I’m constantly being reminded that my existence is political.”

Though in talking about this queer, noir technothriller, it’s clear that while Wasserstein didn’t necessarily set out to be social or political, this story wouldn’t have it any other way.