
Exclusive Interview: “Liar, Dreamer, Thief” Author Maria Dong


It’s sadly not uncommon for someone to angrily tell another person, “This is all your fault.” But in Maria Dong’s psychological suspense novel Liar, Dreamer, Thief (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook), a man named Kurt goes one step further by telling his coworker Katrina that it’s all her fault, and then he jumps off a bridge. And that’s how this story starts. In the following email interview, Dong discusses what inspired and influenced this obviously intense thriller.


Exclusive Interview: “El Nuevo Mundo” Author Brian Yapko


Usually, sci-fi stories don’t make me want to visit the place in question. Reading Dune didn’t make me want to visit Arrakis; watching Star Wars didn’t make Tatooine look like a fun vacation spot; while Alien and Aliens made LV-426 look like a shithole. But in doing the following email interview with writer Brian Yapko about his alien invasion / apocalyptic fantasy / psychological thriller / gay romance novel El Nuevo Mundo (paperback, Kindle), I ended up wondering how much hotels cost in Santa Fe, New Mexico and, once there, where to buy alien repellant.