
Exclusive Interview: “Blind Spots” Author Thomas Mullen


Read enough murder mysteries, or watch any cop shows or movies, and you’ll inevitably hear a police officer say that the victim, “Never saw it coming.” But what if no one ever saw it coming because they were blinded by the murderer? This is the idea behind Thomas Mullen’s new novel Blind Spots (hardcover, paperback, Kindle, audiobook), in which something caused people all over the world to go blind, and while they’ve since compensated with cybernetic implants, a murdererous hacker is now taking advantage of these devices. In the following email interview with Mullen, he discusses what inspired and influenced this cyberpunk sci-fi noir mystery thriller.


Exclusive Interview: “Haunted By The Past” Author Simon R. Green


Nearly sixty years after he landed on our planet (or seven, depending on your perspective), Ishmael Jones’ career as a paranormal P.I. is still going strong. In the following email interview, writer Simon R. Green discusses what inspired and influenced Ismael’s latest case, Haunted By The Past (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook), as well as how his new publisher Baen will be rereleasing the previous 10 Ishmael Jones novels.


Exclusive Interview: “The Last Raven” Author Steve McHugh


With The Last Raven (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), writer Steve McHugh is kicking off a series of urban fantasy noir novels called the Riftborn saga. Though as he explains in the following email interview, the Riftborn will ultimately comprise a trilogy of trilogies.


Exclusive Interview: “No Game For Knights” Editors Larry Correia & Kacey Ezell


At a time when eqality and parity are slowly becoming the norm, it’s a little funny that the motivation behind No Game For Knights (hardcover, Kindle), a new anthology of sci-fi and fantasy detective short stories, would be to give equal time to men. In the following email interview, Knights editors Larry Correia and Kacey Ezell discuss how this collection came together in reaction to a previous anthology they did.


Exclusive Interview: “The Recruit” Author Alan Drew


In his new detective novel The Recruit (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook), writer Alan Drew is giving former LAPD homicide detective Ben Wade a problem that’s rather timely, despite this story being set in the ’80s. In the following email interview, Drew discusses what inspired and influenced this novel, the sequel to Wade’s previous literary adventure, Shadow Man.


Exclusive Interview: “Suicide Kings” Author Stephen Blackmoore


For those keeping score at home, Stephen Blackmoore’s new novel Suicide Kings (paperback, Kindle) is the seventh book in his ongoing series of urban fantasy stories about L.A.-based necromancer Eric Carter. But as he explains in the following email interview about it, Suicide Kings is also the beginning of a third trilogy of Eric Carter novels.


Exclusive Interview: “Comeuppance Served Cold” Author Marion Deeds


Seven years ago, when I interviewed writer Adam Christopher about his noir science fiction novel Made To Kill, he said it was his attempt to write what he imagined iconic noir author Raymond Chandler would come up with if he tried to write a sci-fi story. But usually writers aren’t that…exact when it comes to paying homage. So much so that it took this long for someone to say something similar. Though what’s interesting is that the book in question — Marion Deeds’ noir urban fantasy novella, Comeuppance Served Cold (paperback, Kindle) — would also be inspired by Dashiell Hammett, an iconic noir author who himself inspired Chandler.


Exclusive Interview: “The Quarter Storm” Veronica G. Henry


As anyone who’s read any non-fiction books about it, Vodou in the real world isn’t like it is in the movies. It’s this stark difference — as well as other things — that prompted author Veronica G. Henry to write a more authentic work of Vodou-related fiction with her new urban fantasy / noir mystery novel The Quarter Storm (paperback, Kindle, audiobook). In the following email interview, Henry explains why this was important to her, and what else inspired and influenced this story.


Exclusive Interview: “The Misfit Soldier” Author Michael Mammay


In the following email interview about his new science fiction heist novel The Misfit Soldier (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), writer Michael Mammay explains why — despite his main character being a soldier in power armor — this isn’t really a military sci-fi novel.