
Exclusive Interview: “The Handyman Method” Co-Authors Nick Cutter & Andrew F. Sullivan


Like any technology, YouTube can be a source of great joy or great evil; it depends on who’s wielding it. Which is why, like any technology, someone has written a horror story about it. Or, in this case, “someones,” since the story in question — a domestic drama / horror novel called The Handyman Method (paperback, Kindle, audiobook) — has two authors: Nick Cutter (The Deep, The Troop) and Andrew F. Sullivan (The Marigold). In the following email interview, Messrs. Cutter and Sullivan talk about what inspired and influenced this story, as well as how they came to write this together.


Exclusive Interview: “Little Heaven” Author Nick Cutter


Two years ago, when I sat down to read Nick Cutter’s second novel, The Deep, I thought it was going to be a weird little sci-fi tale. It ended up being one of my favorite books of that year, one that kept me awake deep into the night so I could read the last hundred pages and figure out what the hell was going on (that I was also really freaked out and couldn’t sleep had nothing to do with it, no, no, no). With Cutter now releasing his third book, Little Heaven (hardcover, digital), I had to ask him what it was all about so I could plan my sleep schedule accordingly.


Exclusive Interview: “The Troop” Author Nick Cutter


Some people treat kids with kid gloves. But not Nick Cutter who, in his horror novel The Troop (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), subjects a bunch of scouts to an unspeakable horror you wouldn’t wish on someone twice their age. Though in talking to Cutter — whose real name is easily found online — it’s clear this Canadian writer actually likes children…well, when it comes to his books, at least.