
Exclusive Interview: Lost Tomorrows Author Matt Coyle


For the sixth time in as many years, writer Matt Coyle is torturing the titular P.I. of his Rick Cahill series in a new crime novel.But as he explains in the following email interview about Lost Tomorrows (hardcover, paperback, Kindle), just because this new mystery may give Rick some closure, that doesn’t mean his story is closed.


Exclusive Interview: The Truth About Archie And Pye Author Jonathan Pinnock

In the following email interview, writer Jonathan Pinnock discusses his new novel The Truth About Archie And Pye (paperback, Kindle), a mathematical mystery he says does not require an advanced degree in mathematics to enjoy.


Exclusive Interview: The Moment Before Drowning Author James Brydon

One of thing that made Thomas Harris’ The Silence Of The Lambs so intriguing was that a criminal helped catch another criminal. But in his new noir crime novel The Moment Before Drowning (hardcover, Kindle), writer James Brydon puts his own spin on this predicament by having a man accused of a crime tasked with solving a murder while awaiting his own trial.


Exclusive Interview: “Six Wakes” Author Mur Lafferty


While human cloning hasn’t been perfected, yet, it’s still a controversial topic that’s inspired moral, ethical, and spiritual debates. But all of these discussions have been about whether human cloning should or should not be allowed, not what happens when it does. It’s those latter kinds of questions that inspired aspects of Mur Laffery’s new sci-fi murder mystery novel Six Wakes (paperback, digital, audiobook), as you’ll see in the following interview.