
Exclusive Interview: “Murder Town” Author Shelley Burr


It used to be that if someone was murdered in a house, no one would want to live there. And for some people, that’s still true.

But for others, being the site of a gruesome murder is a selling point. Or at least a reason to attend the open house.

It’s the decision to embrace or deny its murderous past that the town on Rainier has to grapple with in author Shelley Burr’s noir murder mystery thriller Murder Town (paperback, Kindle, audiobook). And a decision that the residents have to grapple with further when someone turns up dead.

In the following email interview, Burr discusses what inspired and influenced this murderous story.


Exclusive Interview: “Scrap” Author Calla Henkel


A lot of people like making scrapbooks for other people.

But in her mystery thriller novel Scrap (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook), author and artist Calla Henkel puts someone in the unique position of making a scrapbook for someone who turns up dead, and the scrapable items may be key to solving the mystery.

In the following email interview, Henkel discusses what inspired and influenced this story, including how making a scrap book for someone else in real life led to her writing this story.


Exclusive Interview: “Hidden Fury” Author Bjorn Hasseler


Like many of the authors who’ve penned installments of eSpec Book’s Systema Paradoxa series, Bjorn Hasseler chose to tell the story of a cryptid near and dear to his heart…er, home.

Though as he explains in the following email interview about his contribution, Hidden Fury (paperback, Kindle), it was also strongly influenced by something else he sees at home…on his TV.


Exclusive Interview: “Chaos Terminal” Author Mur Lafferty


It’s been said that in space, no one can hear you scream. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it, especially if you’re being…murdered.

The good thing is, if you are being murdered, it may be because you’re a character in one of Mur Lafferty’s Midsolar Murders novels. In the following email interview, Lafferty discusses this series, as well as its newest installment, Chaos Terminal (paperback, Kindle, audiobook).


Exclusive Interview: “The Weltall File” Co-Author Jacob Holo


With The Weltall File (hardcover, Kindle), writers David Weber and Jacob Holo are extending the sci-fi series the Gordian Division that they launched in 2019 with The Gordian Protocol, and continued a year and then three years later with The Valkyrie Protocol and The Janus File, respectfully. In the following email interview, Holo discusses what inspired and influenced this sci-fi police procedural, including their plans for future installments.


Exclusive Interview: “The Killing Grounds” Author Joan Tierney


For some readers, the fun of a murder mystery is figuring out who did it. Sorry, whodunnit. But in the following email interview with writer Joan Tierney about her Northeastern Gothic murder mystery novella The Killing Grounds (paperback, Kindle), she admits to turning this whodunnit on its head…and does something similar with the setting.