
Exclusive Interview: “Number One Fan” Author Meg Elison


In Stephen King’s 1987 novel Misery, a woman holds her favorite author hostage, and forces him to write what she wants. And at the time, it seemed like a horror story. Now? It’s a cautionary tale. But it’s also one in need of updating, and not just because the author in King’s book was a man. Enter Number One Fan (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), a horror thriller from Meg Elison who, in the following email interview, discusses what inspired and influenced this story, as well as how it’s, in many ways, more miserable than Misery.


Exclusive Interview: “Find Layla” Author Meg Elison


In her post-apocalyptic viral outbreak sci-fi series Road To Nowhere, author Meg Elison wrote about something we all hope never happens. It’s a similar approach she’s taken for her but decidedly un-sci-fi novel Find Layla (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), a real-world tale of bullying and extreme poverty. In the following email interview, Elison wrote about what inspired and influenced this sadly all-too-true tale.