
Exclusive Interview: “Writers Of The Future, Volume 40” Editor Jody Lynn Nye


There are a lot of anthologies ever year that claim to present the best science fiction, fantasy, and horror short stories.

But one book actually puts them to the test: the annual L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers Of The Future anthology, which presents the winners of the yearly Writers Of The Future contest. []

In the following email interview, Jody Lynn Nye, the editor of the newest installment, Writers Of The Future, Volume 40 (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), talks about what this series is all about, how the winners are chosen, and what went into this new installment.


Exclusive Interview: Astounding Writer Alec Nevala-Lee

For better or worse, the current state of science fiction owes a lot to the magazine Astounding Science Fiction, its editor John W. Campbell, and the iconic writers whose stories appeared in its pages. In the following email interview, writer Alec Nevala-Lee discusses Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, And The Golden Age of Science Fiction (hardcover, Kindle), his warts and all look back at this legendary sci-fi magazine and the people both in and behind its pages.