
Exclusive Interview: “The Extractionist” Author Kimberly Unger


Given that she works for Meta on their Oculus VR gaming headset, you’d expect that writer Kimberly Unger’s day job would’ve had a huge influenced on her VR cyberpunk techno-thriller The Extractionist (paperback, Kindle, audiobook). But as she explains in the following email interview, not only was that not the case, but the reverse isn’t entirely true, either.


Exclusive Interview: “Nucleation” Author Kimberly Unger


We’ve all heard the saying: “Write what you know.” It’s advice that writer and virtual reality video game producer Kimberly Unger has taken to heart with her first novel, Nucleation (paperback, Kindle), which she calls a “nanotech space opera.” In the following email interview, Unger explains what inspired and influenced this cyberpunk sci-fi space opera story, and not just the stuff from her day job.