
Exclusive Interview: “SIN:THETICA” Author Keith Anthony Baird


While virtual reality doesn’t count as reality, yet, it someday might.

Which brings me to Keith Anthony Baird’s new dystopian / cyberpunk science fiction / urban fantasy novella SIN:THETICA (paperback, Kindle), in which a bounty hunter has to hunt his bounty in VR.

In the following email interview, Baird discusses what inspired and influenced this story.


Exclusive Interview: “In The Grimdark Strands Of The Spinneret” Author Keith Anthony Baird


Keith Anthony Baird isn’t the first person to write their own version of a fairy tale. But as he explains in the following email interview about his grimdark fantasy horror novella In The Grimdark Strands Of The Spinneret (paperback, Kindle), he didn’t just want to tell a fairy tale, he wanted it to “…come across like a fable” as well.