
Exclusive Interview: “Fit For The Gods” Editors Jenn Northington & S. Zainab Williams


Back in 2021, when the world was young, Jenn Northington co-edited a short story anthology called Sword Stone Table: Old Legends, New Voices, in which contemporary writers put their own spin on the legends of King Arthur and the Knights Of The Round Table. But in her new anthology, Fit For The Gods: Greek Mythology Reimagined (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), Northington and co-editor S. Zainab Williams have gone one step further, assembling a collection of gender-bent, queered, race-bent, and inclusive versions of those classic Greek tales. In the following email interview, Jenn and S. discuss why they took this approach, how this collection came together, and what influence Jenn’s work on Sword had on Gods…and S.

Note: All answers are from both Jenn and S. unless otherwise indicated.