In the following email interview with author Jacob Holo about his new sci-fi action / adventure novel Freelancers Of Neptune (hardcover, Kindle), he admits coming up with the idea for this space story when he was supposed to be watching his 6.
For the first four books of the Gordian Division series of time travel sci-fi police procedural murder mystery whodunit adventure novels, author Jacob Holo collaborated with fellow writer David Weber. But for the fifth, The Dyson File (paperback, Kindle), Holo is flying solo. In the following email interview, Holo explains what inspired and influenced this new mystery, as well as why he wanted to go it alone this time around.
With The Weltall File (hardcover, Kindle), writers David Weber and Jacob Holo are extending the sci-fi series the Gordian Division that they launched in 2019 with The Gordian Protocol, and continued a year and then three years later with The Valkyrie Protocol and The Janus File, respectfully. In the following email interview, Holo discusses what inspired and influenced this sci-fi police procedural, including their plans for future installments.
With The Valkyrie Protocol (hardcover, Kindle) writers Jacob Holo and David Weber are continuing the time travel sci-fi adventure series they started earlier this year with The Gordian Protocol. In the following email interview about it, the two discuss what inspired and influenced both this series and this second installment, and why Thor star Chris Hemsworth would be perfect actor to play…someone if this series came to TV.