
Exclusive Interview: “Sword-Bearer” Author Jennifer Roberson


It’s been ten years since we last heard from Tiger and Del, the titular characters of Jennifer Roberson’s romantic fantasy series. In the following email interview, Roberson discusses their return in the new novel Sword-Bearer (paperback, Kindle), including why fans won’t have to wait another ten years for their next adventure.


Exclusive Interview: “Masters Of Scent” Author Michael B. Fletcher


If you’ve ever read a book or seen a movie, you’ve undoubtably experienced the phrase, “Something doesn’t smell right.” But in Michael B. Fletcher’s new fantasy novel Masters Of Scent (paperback, Kindle), something not smelling right could be an actual problem since, as he explains in the following email interview, this story is set in a world where smells are magic.


Exclusive Interview: “Nightwood” Author Elana Gomel


They say you should write what you know. Well, in the following email interview about her dark fantasy novel Nightwood (paperback, Kindle), author Elana Gomel says she took that idea to heart and started with her own back yard.


Exclusive Interview: “In The Grimdark Strands Of The Spinneret” Author Keith Anthony Baird


Keith Anthony Baird isn’t the first person to write their own version of a fairy tale. But as he explains in the following email interview about his grimdark fantasy horror novella In The Grimdark Strands Of The Spinneret (paperback, Kindle), he didn’t just want to tell a fairy tale, he wanted it to “…come across like a fable” as well.


Exclusive Interview: “Geometries Of Belonging” Author R.B. Lemberg


While they’ve previously explored their fictional world the Birdverse in novellas and a novel, writer R.B. Lemberg has also penned a number of short stories and poems that are set in this realm as well. Now they’re collecting nearly a dozen of them in the new compilation Geometries Of Belonging: Stories & Poems From The Birdverse (paperback, Kindle). In the following email interview, Lemberg discusses what inspired and influenced these stories, and how they connect to those novellas and the novel, as well as the larger world.


Exclusive Interview: “Crystal Awakening” Co-Authors Andrew Rowe & Kayleigh Nicol


For the last few years, writer Andrew Rowe has been exploring the fictional realm of Venaya through the novels in his Arcane Ascension series. But with Crystal Awakening (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), he’s getting some help from fellow fantasy writer Kayleigh Nicol. In the following email interview, Rowe and Nicol discuss how this collaboration came to be, what inspired and influenced this progression fantasy saga, and their plans for expanding the world of Venaya even further.


Exclusive Interview: “The Shuddering City” Author Sharon Shinn


There’s a line about the road to Hell being paved with good intentions. It’s a good way to describe the situation that the people in Sharon Shinn’s new novel The Shuddering City (paperback, Kindle) find themselves in, thanks to a well-meaning god. In the following email interview about it, Shinn discusses what inspired and influenced this romantically-tinged fantasy tale.


Exclusive Interview: “The Last Raven” Author Steve McHugh


With The Last Raven (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), writer Steve McHugh is kicking off a series of urban fantasy noir novels called the Riftborn saga. Though as he explains in the following email interview, the Riftborn will ultimately comprise a trilogy of trilogies.


Exclusive Interview: “Into The Riverlands” Author Nghi Vo


With Into The Riverlands (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook), author Nghi Vo is continuing the Singing Hills Cycle of fantasy novellas she launched with 2020’s The Empress Of Salt And Fortune and continued later that year with When The Tiger Came Down The Mountain.

In the following email interview, she discusses where she gets the ideas for these stand-alone but connected stories, as well as her hopes for the Cycle going forward.