
Exclusive Interview: “Eternity’s End” Author Zachary Hagen


With Eternity’s End (hardcover, paperback, Kindle), author Zachary Hagen is concluding the epic Christian romantic fantasy series The Eternal Chronicles, which he launched two years ago with Eternity’s Well.

In the following email interview, Hagen discusses what inspired and influenced both this series and it’s final installment.


Exclusive Interview: “The Fate Of Silent Gods” Author Scott Drakeford


With The Fate Of Silent Gods (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook), author Scott Drakeford is presenting the second installment of his secondary-world fantasy series The Age Of Ire.

In the following email interview, Drakeford talks about what inspired and influenced this epic military fantasy novel, as well as how he hopes the in-progress third book is not the end of the story.


Exclusive Interview: “The Shiver Tree” Author Holly Searcy


It’s hardly surprising that many fantasy writers have played Dungeons & Dragons. Or that D&D has influenced their fantasy stories.

But in the following email interview with author Holly Searcy, she talks about how her high fantasy novel The Shiver Tree (paperback, Kindle, audiobook) wasn’t just written by a D&D player who was influenced by the role-playing adventure game. It actually started out as the backstory to her D&D character.


Exclusive Interview: “The Legacy Of Arniston House” Author T.L. Huchu


When fantasy writers talk about the things that influenced their work, they often mention other fantasy stories: The Lord Of The Rings, Game Of Thrones, Harry Potter, and so on.

But in the following email interview about The Legacy Of Arniston House (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook), the fourth book in his urban fantasy series Edinburgh Nights, author T.L. Huchu says this novel also takes influence from a video game-inspired TV show of the bloody battle persuasion.


Exclusive Interview: “Shadow Of The Smoking Mountain” Author Howard Andrew Jones


With Shadow Of The Smoking Mountain (hardcover, Kindle), author Howard Andrew Jones has reached the half-way point of his five book sword & sorcery / sword & sandal fantasy series The Chronicles Of Hanuvar.

In the following email interview, Jones discusses what inspired and influenced this third book, as well as where things stand for books four and five.


Exclusive Interview: “A Grim Reaper’s Guide To Catching A Killer” Author Maxie Dara


When we think of The Grim Reaper, we usually think of a man in a hooded cloak with a scythe and no sense of humor.

But in author Maxie Dara’s novel A Grim Reaper’s Guide To Catching A Killer (paperback, Kindle, audiobook) — which she calls a “cozy mystery against a magical realism backdrop” — there’s more than one soul catcher, and one of them is named Kathy. Yeah.

In the following email interview, Dara talks about what inspired and influenced this novel, as well as the series it kicks off, the S.C.Y.T.H.E. Mystery Series.


Exclusive Interview: “The Dollmakers” Author Lynn Buchanan


Writers of fantasy stories are often inspired and influenced by, well, other fantasy stories.

But in the following email interview, author Lynn Buchanan says she was inspired to write her fairy tale-esque adventure fantasy story The Dollmakers (paperback, Kindle, audiobook) by a painting, and influenced in how she wrote it by watching a certain Japanese animation studio’s iconic movies.


Exclusive Interview: “The Royal First Irregulars” Author Marshall Ryan Maresca


Since kicking off The Maradaine Saga with The Thorn Of Dentonhill in 2015, author Marshall Ryan Maresca has added more than a dozen novels to this epic fantasy series.

But he’s also included some shorter stand-alone novellas as well in a subseries he calls The Maradaine Saga Shorts, which he started in 2022 with The Mystical Murders Of Yin Mara.

In the following email interview, Maresca talks about the fourth novella in The Maradaine Saga Shorts series, The Royal First Irregulars (paperback, Kindle), including what inspired and influenced this shorter story, and why you don’t have to read the 19 previous books first.


Exclusive Interview: “The Dragon In Winter” Author Jonathan Maberry


With The Dragon In Winter (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), author Jonathan Maberry is bringing his Kagen The Damned series to an end…

Well, sort of. As he explains in the following email interview, while Winter concludes this trilogy of swashbuckling fantasy novels, this is not the last adventure for Kagen Vale.