
Exclusive Interview: “More Perfect” Author Temi Oh


Like other writers, Temi Oh has been fascinated by a myth. Specifically, the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. But unlike other writers who have chosen to put their own spin on a myth, Oh (as she says in the following email interview), “… also wanted to write a book that was informed by my background in neuroscience.” The result is More Perfect (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), a sci-fi retelling of Orpheus and Eurydice.


Exclusive Interview: “I Never Liked You Anyway” Jordan Kurella


As anyone who’s had a good one will tell you, teachers change lives. It’s something I couldn’t help but think about as I did the following email interview with writer Jordan Kurella about I Never Liked You Anyway (paperback, Kindle), his comedic retelling of the myth of Eurydice and Orpheus, which, he says, was inspired as much by the person who taught him about it as it is the myth itself.