
Exclusive Interview: “Sordidez” Author E.G. Condé


While everyone was saddened by the images that came out of Puerto Rico after Hurricane María made landfall in 2017, writer E.G. Condé was among those who felt it personally, since some of those images included ones of his grandmother’s home. But as horrified as he may have been, as he explains in the following email interview, it also oddly inspired him to write an eco, cli-fi, sci-fi, Taínofuturistic novella called Sordidez (paperback, Kindle).


Exclusive Interview: “The Marigold” Author Andrew F. Sullivan


Thanks to the massive popularity of The Last Of Us on HBO, it seems like mold is everywhere. But in the following email interview about his body horror, urban dystopia, and eco fiction novel The Marigold (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), in which a sentient mold is ruining Toronto, writer Andrew F. Sullivan explains why his story owes nothing to the video games that inspired HBO’s big hit.


Exclusive Interview: “Semiosis” Author Sue Burke


So, this is freaky: In talking to writer Sue Burke about her new science fiction novel Semiosis (hardcover, paperback, Kindle), she informed me that plants can be…aggressive? Seriously? I just hope the grass in front of my apartment spares my life long enough for me to read this space opera; from what Burke said about it, it sounds like a good read.