
Exclusive Interview: “Revenant-X” Author David Wellington


At a time when you have to actively try not to be reachable, the idea of not being able to contact someone can be frightening.

So imagine if it wasn’t someone you couldn’t reach, but ten thousand people, and they all lived so far away that it would take more than a year to get there.

This is the problem that kicks off author David Wellington’s sci-fi horror / space adventure series Red Space, which he launched last year with Paradise-1 and now continues with Revenant-X (paperback, Kindle, audiobook).

In the following email interview, Wellington explains how Revenant-X picks up this story, his plan for this series moving forward, and the surprising author who influenced this middle installment.


Exclusive Interview: “Paradise-1” Author David Wellington


There’s a quip people make when they haven’t heard from someone in a while: “You don’t call, you don’t write…”

But imagine if wasn’t a someone, but an entire colony, in deep space, really far from Earth, who were the ones not calling, not writing… Which is the set-up for Paradise-1 (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), David Wellington’s new sci-fi horror novel, and the first book of his Red Space series.

In the following email interview, Wellington discusses what inspired and influenced this story, including how, like the titular colony, it was something of a group effort.


Exclusive Interview: “Forbidden Suns” Author D Nolan Clark


With Forbidden Suns (paperback, Kindle), writer D. Nolan Clark — a.k.a. David Wellington, a.k.a. David Chandler — is bringing his sci-fi series The Silence trilogy to its natural conclusion. Though in talking to him about it, he revealed that it’s an ending he never saw coming.