
Exclusive Interview: “Tomorrow’s Troopers” Co-Editor David Afsharirad


Most of the time when someone says “suggestions welcome,” they don’t mean it; they’re just being nice.

But apparently the good people at Baen Books are open to your ideas…sort of.

You see, when someone recently suggested they reprint an out-of-print anthology of science fiction short stories about power armor, they decided to instead put together one of their own.

In the following email interview, co-editor David Afsharirad discusses Tomorrow’s Troopers (paperback, Kindle), which collects classic sci-fi and military sci-fi power armor stories by Brandon Sanderson and Ethan Skarstedt, Joe Haldeman, and Harry Harrison, among others, including how he and co-editor Hank Davis (who had to bow out of this interview because of computer problems) picked what stories to include, what subgenres are represented…and whether the person whose suggestion inspired this book got a free copy.