
Exclusive Interview: “Opulent Syntax” Co-Editors Don Duncan & dave ring


Often, when a short story anthology is based around geography as opposed to time or “the best” of something, it’s a celebration of the location and the artistry of the people there. But in the following email interview with co-editors Don Duncan and dave ring about their anthology Opulent Syntax: Irish Speculative Fiction (paperback, ebook), they admit to taking a more aggressive stance.


Exclusive Interview: “Unfettered Hexes” Editor dave ring


In a lot of anthologies, there’s usually just one form of expression; it’s all short stories, it’s all poems, it’s all comics, etc. But Unfettered Hexes: Queer Tales Of Insatiable Darkness (paperback, Kindle) isn’t like other anthologies in that regard, as it may primarily be short stories, but it also has poems, comics, illustrations, and even games. In the following email interview, Unfettered Hexes editor dave ring discusses how this collection came together, and why it’s so diverse.


Exclusive Interview: “The Hidden Ones” Author dave ring


The cardinal rule of real estate is “location, location, location.” And apparently the same rule applies to calling a story an “urban fantasy.” Which is just one of the things I learned doing the following email interview with writer dave ring about his urban fantasy novella The Hidden Ones (paperback, Kindle).