
Exclusive Interview: “Hybrid Heart” Author Iori Kusano


While many writers follow the edict that you should write what you know, it can be a double-edged sword, as a good story in which something bad happens might make you think, “I hope this is something they don’t really know.” It’s where I found myself while conducting the following email interview with author Iori Kusano about their cyberpunk sci-fi novella Hybrid Heart (paperback, Kindle), which they call a “cautionary tale.”


Exclusive Interview: “Antimatter Blues” Author Edward Ashton


In the darkly humorous cyberpunk sci-fi novel Mickey7, worker’s comp isn’t a thing…and for a rather unfortunate reason.

But job security must be because that story’s titular worker is back for, well, more work.

In the following email interview, author Edward Ashton discusses what inspired and influenced the sequel, Antimatter Blues (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook).


Exclusive Interview: “A Transcendental Habit” Author James Callan


Some writers hate talking about genres, some don’t mind it at all, or embrace it. Then you have writers like James Callan, who created his own for what he calls his salacious misadventure cyberpunk sci-fi novel A Transcendental Habit (paperback). In the following email interview, Callan discusses what inspired and influenced this story, as well as what makes something a “salacious misadventure.”


Exclusive Interview: “World Running Down” Author Al Hess


One of the great things about science fiction is that you can use to explore issues that mean a lot to you. It’s what writer Al Hess did in his cyberpunk / decopunk / gay romance / cozy post-apocalyptic sci-fi novel World Running Down (paperback, Kindle). In the following email interview, Hess discusses what inspired and influenced this meaningful story.


Exclusive Interview: “Trinity’s Children” Author Dave Bara


With Trinity’s Children (paperback, Kindle), writer Dave Bara is concluding the cyberpunk-y military sci-fi duology he initiated in 2021 with his novel Trinity. In the following email interview, he discusses what inspired and influenced this second half of the story.


Exclusive Interview: “All The Hometowns You Can’t Stay Away From” Author Izzy Wasserstein


When it comes to putting together their first short story collections, some writers start out with a theme or a plan and stick to it. Then there’s writers like Izzy Wasserstein, who, in assembling hers, All The Hometowns You Can’t Stay Away From (paperback), found that a theme emerged anyway.

In the following email interview, Wasserstein discusses what inspired and influenced these stories, and why she ran with the emergent theme as opposed to running away from it.


Exclusive Interview: “The Extractionist” Author Kimberly Unger


Given that she works for Meta on their Oculus VR gaming headset, you’d expect that writer Kimberly Unger’s day job would’ve had a huge influenced on her VR cyberpunk techno-thriller The Extractionist (paperback, Kindle, audiobook). But as she explains in the following email interview, not only was that not the case, but the reverse isn’t entirely true, either.


Exclusive Interview: “Ymir” Author Rich Larson


Bookstore shelves are quickly filling up with novels that are reworkings of classic tales (Madeline Miller’s Circe; Jennifer Saint’s Ariadne…). But you might want to wait a moment before adding Rich Larson’s Beowulf-inspired post-cyberpunk sci-fi novel Ymir (paperback, Kindle, audiobook) to that shelf. While he admits in the following email interview that Ymir‘s working title was Cyberpunk Beowulf, he also says that his novel doesn’t owe nearly so much to the original epic poem as his original title suggests.


Exclusive Interview: “Godslayers” Author Zoe Hana Mikuta


As much as people love giant robots, no one worships them as if they were gods. Well, not in our reality, anyway. But they do in the world of Zoe Hana Mikuta’s young adult cyberpunk / dustpunk sci-fi novel Gearbreakers, and that was kind of the problem. A problem so big, in fact, that it didn’t just fit into one book. Hence we have Godslayers (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook), the second half to Mikuta’s epic duology. In the following email interview, Mikuta explains what inspired and influenced this second half.