
Exclusive Interview: “All Hallows” Author Christopher Golden


As someone who was a little kid in the ’70s, and not the ’00s or the ’20s, some of my fondest Halloween memories are going out for hours, and unsupervised.

That is, until I saw the movie Halloween; since then, my fondest Halloween memories are me hiding under my bed.

I suspect the same may have also happened if I had read Christopher Golden’s horror / suburban drama novel All Hallows…which would’ve been a neat trick given how it originally came out in 2023.

With All Hallows newly available in paperback (and still available in hardcover, Kindle, and audiobook), I crawled out from under my bed long enough to send Mr. Golden some questions about what inspired and influenced this scary story.


Exclusive Interview: “Full Speed To A Crash Landing” Author Beth Revis


One of the cardinal rules of modern life is “Don’t engage the trolls” (followed closely by “Don’t read the comments” and “Get guac on that!”).

But for once, I’m glad someone didn’t follow that rule because — as she explains in the following email interview — it’s why Beth Revis wrote her sci-fi space opera novella Full Speed To A Crash Landing (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook), which is the first installment of the Chaotic Orbits series.


Exclusive Interview: “Up The Entropic Hill” Author Mattie Bukowski


They say the only guarantees in life are death and taxes.

But what if the former wasn’t a problem anymore…and you still lost someone.

This is where things start for Amber, the twenty-something history professor at the center of Mattie Bukowski’s new science fiction space opera novel Up The Entropic Hill (paperback, Kindle).

In the following email interview, Bukowski discusses what inspired and influenced this story, as well as his famous namesake.


Exclusive Interview: “Navigational Entanglements” Aliette de Bodard


As someone way smarter than me once said, “Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is.” It’s why getting from one planet to the next can be tricky. In some science fiction stories, traversing the vastness of space takes faster-than-light travel. In others, cryogenic sleep is involved. And in still others, it takes a willingness for some people to start the journey knowing that their ancestors will finish it.

Then there’s Aliette de Bodard’s science fiction space opera novella Navigational Entanglements (hardcover, Kindle), in which traveling through space involves eldritch monsters and…y’know, we’ll just let her explain it in the following email interview, as what as everything else you need to know about this character-focused sci-fi story.


Exclusive Interview: “Crypt Of The Moon Spider” Author Nathan Ballingrud


When people write science fiction stories about people on the moon, they often take the “science” part seriously.

But when Nathan Ballingrud was writing his pulpy lunar gothic novella, Crypt Of The Moon Spider (paperback, Kindle), in which there’s people living on the moon, and they worship a spider that used to live there, he not only didn’t bother being scientifically accurate, he also didn’t write a science fiction story.


Exclusive Interview: “Aiko’s Dive” Author Chase Gamwell


When someone first coined the term “final girl,” they did so in reference to how, in many horror movies, the lone survivor is often a woman.

But in Chase Gamwell’s young adult sci-fi space opera novel Aiko’s Dive (paperback, Kindle), the final girl is not just the only person to survive a massacre, she’s the last human. Anywhere. Like, in the entire galaxy.

As for why, and what happens when she tries to figure out what’s going on, I direct you to the following email interview with Gamwell, in which he discusses what inspired and influenced this story.


Exclusive Interview: “Mother’s Instinct” Author Sherri Cook Woosley


We all love dogs, and we all love watching videos of otters.

But a seven foot tall otter dog with a taste for human flesh…not something I’d want to see on TikTok. Or in my backyard.

In my new interview with author Sherri Cook Woosley about her urban fantasy / horror novella Mother’s Instinct (paperback, Kindle) — the latest installment of eSpec Book’s Systema Paradoxa series — she discusses why she decided to get up close and personal with the Dobhar-chu, the 7-foot-long, human eating, dog / otter hybrid from Irish folklore.


Exclusive Interview: “The Dragon In Winter” Author Jonathan Maberry


With The Dragon In Winter (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), author Jonathan Maberry is bringing his Kagen The Damned series to an end…

Well, sort of. As he explains in the following email interview, while Winter concludes this trilogy of swashbuckling fantasy novels, this is not the last adventure for Kagen Vale.


Exclusive Interview: “Scrap” Author Calla Henkel


A lot of people like making scrapbooks for other people.

But in her mystery thriller novel Scrap (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook), author and artist Calla Henkel puts someone in the unique position of making a scrapbook for someone who turns up dead, and the scrapable items may be key to solving the mystery.

In the following email interview, Henkel discusses what inspired and influenced this story, including how making a scrap book for someone else in real life led to her writing this story.