
Exclusive Interview: “The Handyman Method” Co-Authors Nick Cutter & Andrew F. Sullivan


Like any technology, YouTube can be a source of great joy or great evil; it depends on who’s wielding it. Which is why, like any technology, someone has written a horror story about it. Or, in this case, “someones,” since the story in question — a domestic drama / horror novel called The Handyman Method (paperback, Kindle, audiobook) — has two authors: Nick Cutter (The Deep, The Troop) and Andrew F. Sullivan (The Marigold). In the following email interview, Messrs. Cutter and Sullivan talk about what inspired and influenced this story, as well as how they came to write this together.


Exclusive Interview: “The Marigold” Author Andrew F. Sullivan


Thanks to the massive popularity of The Last Of Us on HBO, it seems like mold is everywhere. But in the following email interview about his body horror, urban dystopia, and eco fiction novel The Marigold (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), in which a sentient mold is ruining Toronto, writer Andrew F. Sullivan explains why his story owes nothing to the video games that inspired HBO’s big hit.