
Exclusive Interview: “Service Model” Author Adrian Tchaikovsky


We’ve all accidentally murdered our bosses and then run off. That’s like a Tuesday for me.

But in Adrian Tchaikovsky humorous science fiction novel Service Model (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook), the murderer on the run is not a middle-aged man, but a robot. And a robot butler at that.

In the following email interview, Tchaikovsky discusses what inspired and influenced this sci-fi story, which he says is “Mad Max starring C-3PO.”


Exclusive Interview: “Elder Race” Author Adrian Tchaikovsky


Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke famously once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” It’s an idea that fellow science fiction (and fantasy) writer Adrian Tchaikovsky is putting to the test in his new sci-fi / fantasy novella Elder Race (paperback, Kindle). In the following email interview, Tchaikovsky explains what inspired and influenced this genre-mashing story.