
Exclusive Interview: “The Infinite” Author Ada Hoffmann


With The Infinite (paperback, Kindle, audiobook) writer Ada Hoffmann is concluding the epic cosmic horror sci-fi space opera trilogy she launched in 2019 with The Outside, and continued two years later with The Fallen. In the following email interview, Hoffmann discusses who and what inspired and influenced this third and final installment, including some rather familiar fuzzy bastards.


Exclusive Interview: “The Fallen” Author Ada Hoffmann


It’s always the middle book of a trilogy where things go to shit. But that doesn’t seem to be the case with Ada Hoffmann’s cosmic horror sci-fi space opera novel The Fallen (paperback, Kindle)…but only because things already went to shit in the first book, 2019’s The Outside. In the following email interview, Hoffman discusses what inspired and influenced this middle part, as well as her plans for the conclusion.